1) Minimum 7 full pages (Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per part) Part 1: Minimum 4 pages Part 2: minimum 1 page Part 3: Minimum 1 page Part 4: Minimum 1 page Submit 1 document per part 2)¨******APA norms All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraphs Bulleted responses are not accepted Dont write in the first person Dont copy and pase the questions. Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph Submit 1 document per part 3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks) ********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks) 4) Minimum 3 references per part not older than 5 years 5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next Example: Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX Q 2. Health is XXXX 6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering: Example: Part 1.doc Part 2.doc __________________________________________________________________________________ Part 1: Ethical Use the chart File 1 and File 2as the basis for your responses in this assignment. Answer the following questions about a patients spiritual needs in light of the Christian worldview. In 1 page 1. Should the physician allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James, or would that mean a disrespect of a patients autonomy? Explain your rationale. In 2 pages 1. How ought the Christian think about sickness and health? 2. How should a Christian think about medical intervention? 3. What should Mike as a Christian do? 4. How should he reason about trusting God and treating James in relation to what is truly honoring the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence in Jamess care? In 1 page 1. How would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician assist Mike determine appropriate interventions for James and for his family or others involved in his care? Part 2: Pharmacology J.G. is a 42-year-old white man presenting with a 2-month history of intermittent midepigastric pain. The pain sometimes wakes him up at night and seems to get better after he eats a meal. J.G. informs you that his doctor told him that he had an infection in his stomach 6 months ago. He never followed up and has been taking over-the-counter Zantac 75 for 2 weeks without relief. He takes no other medications. He is concerned because the pain is continuing. He has no other significant history except he is a 20 pack-year smoker and he drinks 5 cups of coffee a day. He eats late at night and goes to bed about 30 minutes after dinner. He is allergic to penicillin. Diagnosis: Peptic Ulcer Disease: 1. List specific goals for treatment for J.G. 2. What drug therapy would you prescribe for J.G.? Why? 3. Discuss specific patient education based on the prescribed therapy. 4. List one or two adverse reactions for the selected agent that would cause you to change therapy. 5. What would be the choice for second-line therapy? 6. What lifestyle changes would you recommend to J.G.? Part 3: Primari care- Cross life Mr. Jones is a 54-year-old male who presents to the family practice clinic complaining of sudden urgency to urinate, back pain, frequent urination, and pain with urination. Symptoms began approximately 48 hours ago. He awoke from sleep with urgency and suprapubic discomfort 2 nights ago. His urine now has a strong odor and a cloudy appearance. He has an allergy to Bactrim. Urine dipstick results: Color, dark yellow, specific gravity 1.035, ph 5.5, protein (-), Ketones (-), Bilirubin (-), Trace blood, Leukoesterase (+), Nitrites (+), Urobilinogen (-) 1. What are some appropriate questions to ask the patient? 2. What are three differential diagnoses for the patient? 3. What physical examination would you perform? 4. What diagnostics would you include? 5. Create an evidenced-based plan of care. Include pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. Part 4:Advance practice Vaccine controversies have occurred since almost 80 years before the terms vaccine and vaccination were introduced, and continue to this day. Despite scientific consensus that recommended vaccines are safe and effective, unsubstantiated scares regarding their safety still occur, resulting in outbreaks and deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases. 1. Please provide your input regarding this subject (Pro)
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