1) Minimum 8 full pages (Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per part) Part 1: Minimum 1 page Part 2: minimum 1 page Part 3: Minimum 1 page Part 4: Minimum 1 page Part 5: Minimum 1 page Part 6: Minimum 3 page Submit 1 document per part 2)¨******APA norms All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraphs Bulleted responses are not accepted Dont write in the first person Dont copy and pase the questions. Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph Submit 1 document per part 3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks) ********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks) 4) Minimum 3 references per part not older than 5 years 5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next Example: Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX Q 2. Health is XXXX 6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering: Example: Part 1.doc Part 2.do __________________________________________________________________________________ Part 1: AACN (See File 1) The purpose of this assignment is to provide a concise description and appraisal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of masters Education in Nursing. 1. Provide a brief explanation on each of the essentials reflecting on each essential affects the clinical practice and the authors interpretation of each essential. Part 2: Nursing Research 1 1. Provide examples of experimental and nonexperimental research design. 2. Contrast the levels of control applied to each. Part 3: Nursing Research 2 1. Describe sampling theory and provide examples to illustrate your definition. 2. Discuss generalizability as it applies to nursing research. Part 4: Curriculum Design and Simulation 1 Topic: Blooms Taxonomy Many teachers indicate that critical thinking is the most needed skill for a student to learn, and yet they have a difficult time teaching it. In your opinion: 1. What is critical thinking and how do you integrate it into curriculum? 2. How do you measure effectiveness and assess critical thinking skills in the learner? Part 5: Curriculum Design and Simulation 2 Analyze two learning theories for appropriateness and congruency with the philosophy and mission of educational institutions, schools of nursing, or healthcare agencies. 1. Which did you choose? Why? 2. What components of this theory stand out as effective for nursing education? 3. Which components of the curriculum have the most effect on the implementation of curriculum? Part 6: Curriculum Design and Simulation 3 Compose a scholarly paper addressing all the points listed below. The purpose of this assignment is to identify a topic area in nursing education and develop the framework for curriculum targeting undergraduate nursing students, new graduate nurses in a hospital setting, or a community population. Use the following guidelines to compose your paper: 1. Identify your topic 2. Define the specific core competency for nurse educators as related to your topic area. 3. Provide a detailed description of the following: a. Target population b. Include a well-developed goal of the course. c. List a minimum of 23 learning outcomes for the course. d. List 12 expected task based objectives for each outcome e. List 4 objectives, these objetives must demonstrate integration of Blooms taxonomy methodologies. Ensure that your course objectives are mapped and correlate to the learning outcomes and the nursing core competencies. f. Explain the activities for each task-based objective and what the students will do to complete the objectives. Explain how you will measure achievement for each g. objective. How do the students show mastery of the subject?
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