Identify at least two other impacts or trends not already me

Identify at least two other impacts or trends not already mentioned that could support a health care practitioner or other professional who works with aging adults. Also, discuss what might be a next step in using those trends and impacts in the workplace. Your reply posts should be 100 to 150 words, with a minimum of one supporting reference included.  Response 1:   I found it interesting that the American population consisting of an age greater than 65 is more than 65 million.  Even more, so that this will increase to almost 90 million by the year 2050. (n.d.) I found this interesting because I recognized the “baby boomer” generation, but I did not connect the dots that the population is growing at a tremendous rate since then. I honestly did not think about what will happen when that great population reaches 65 and older.  As the population of American continues to age the potential impact is being able to provide adequate healthcare and resources.  With the aging population living longer than previous generations the resources are being extended. Medical benefits, financial support, housing, pensions, etc. are being taxed to support the population longer into life.  Government funding will have to be revamped to help support both the elderly and younger populations. (n.d.) As the trend for the elderly population to almost double by the year 2050, there will be a direct correlation of the shortage of healthcare workers. As the trends continue to rise I will treat more elderly patients. (Zallman et al., 2019) I will have to consider how healthcare varies for an elderly patient.  Will, there be government resources for the patients, will they have family support, how will they cope with the aging process, etc.  As my patient population progresses in age, I will have to focus on their individual needs as an elderly patient.  This will also include being aware of reimbursement for caring for the elderly cliental.  Response 2  When considering how I would start my response this week, I immediately thought about the “baby boomer” generation as they age and what considerations they face, mainly because my parents are both in the early 70’s. Today, there are more than 46 million older adults from age 65 and above, who live in the United States, according to a study done by Rural Health (Demographic Changes and Aging Population – RHIhub Aging in Place Toolkit). By the year 2050, that number is estimated to increase by 90 million., 18 million of those individuals are considered baby boomers. The population of the aging has a number of new considerations that other generations of elderly have not, due to globalization and a reduction in mortality, morbidity, and fertility. These changes have fundamentally changed how the elderly perceive aging, their behaviors, and experiences. According to Waite & Plewes (2013), the elderly will face both social and economic challenges related to newly configurations of the life course by considering the shifting boundaries and markers of different life periods; the erosion of traditional pathways through education, work, and retirement; and the future of aging; as well as changes in the past retirement model and concerns related to public economics and aging policies and programs. These considerations will affect how health providers care for the elderly. As an Adult Geriatric practitioner, some of the considerations in care would be focused on planning for Longterm care and advanced care, such as establishing advanced directives and POA’s. Other considerations focused on disease management would include the care of multimorbidities. AS people live longer, they tend to have more complex medical management needs. Also, education the family on how to care of their loved ones, or facilitating where the individual can live to manage their care properly.

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