Week 6: Mental Health Clinical Presentation – Part 1      Pu

Week 6: Mental Health Clinical Presentation – Part 1      Purpose   The purpose of this assignment is for learners to:  Have the opportunity to integrate knowledge and skills learned throughout all core courses in the FNP track and previous clinical courses. Demonstrate an advancing understanding of the patient with a mental health disorder in primary care. Demonstrate the ability to analyze the literature/ previous patients seen in the clinical setting be able to perform an evidence-based review of their case, diagnosis, and plan, while guiding and taking feedback from peers regarding the case. Demonstrate professional communication and leadership, while advancing the education of peers.  Activity Learning Outcomes  Through this discussion, the student will demonstrate the ability to: Develop management plans based on current scientific evidence and national guidelines. (CO4)   Prioritize treatment based on relevant clinical presentation. (CO6)   Requirements:   For Week 6 of the course, there will not be a case study given to you by the faculty. Instead, you will be assigned a  mental health disorder commonly seen in primary care and?you will create a case study based on that disorder.  You may create a case study either from a previous clinical patient experience or if you have not had a patient in clinical that represents your assigned topic you may research your disease using the week’s classroom material and the evidence-based literature in the field. The case should be clear and include all elements of a normal case that might be presented in class  (subjective, objective, assessment, and full 5 point plan).? The clinical practicum documentation will be helpful for this process, or notes you have taken in clinical regarding cases.? The case should be  clear, organized, and meet the following guidelines:  Week 6 Part One:  This part goes in part one and should begin?with subjective and objective data just like we do in your weekly case study discussion.? Do not put a diagnosis until your peers respond.  WEEK 6 Part One:?The case should lead the class toward the mental health diagnosis assigned to you by your instructor.  WEEK 6 Part One Specific Guidelines:  If this is an actual patient from clinical- Include their actual chief complaint, demographic data, HPI,  PMHX, PSHX, medications, allergies, subjective and objective findings without identifying the patient’s name.  If this is a fictitious case you’ve created from the literature/readings you should design an example patient and include chief complaint, demographic data, HPI, PMHX, PSHX,  medications and allergies, subjective and objective findings. Be mindful that the background data for the case should bear some relevance to the diagnosis.  The case?should not be overly simple.?Like your weekly case studies, it should include subjective data that loosely represents the diagnosis you have been given, but includes some elements of the pathophysiology/presentation of the disease.  You must include the following elements in part one: subjective: chief complaint/HPI, demographic data, HPI, PMHX,  PSHX, subjective and objective findings.  NEXT:  Leading the discussion in part one:?  You must respond to any student who posts regarding your case with a  substantial response, either answering their questions or noting their  response and acting as leader. You also must respond to any faculty  responses to your initial posting. Use references to support your  responses. Remember: Your response to your peers is part of where you  demonstrate your knowledge of the disease you were assigned. You should  be discussing hallmark symptoms, diagnostic tools etc along with  discussing the student’s impressions and conclusions. ?Once your peers  respond you can share the primary diagnosis and treatment plan that  actually occurred if it is a live patient, and the ideal treatment plan  if it is an invented case. Your treatment plan should address any  national guidelines as appropriate for the diagnosis.  Participating in part one:?As a student you will be required to respond to at least one other student, whom has no responses to their posting**.?In your response to your peer you must include?the  following: Your top three (3) differentials based on the information  provided, the primary diagnosis you are leaning toward, and first line  treatment for how you would treat that diagnosis. Use references to  support your response. *DEADLINE – YOUR ONE REPSONSE TO A STUDENT IN DISCUSSION #1 IS DUE BY THURSDAY AT 11:59 p.m. MT SO THAT THE STUDENT CAN INTERACT WITH YOU AS WE DO IN OTHER CASES.? **If all students have a response, then choose the student with the least responses to their posting.  **To  see view the grading criteria/rubric, please click on the 3 dots in the  box at the end of the solid gray bar above the discussion board title  and then Show Rubric.         DISCUSSION CONTENT    Description  Application of Course Knowledge   Post contributes clinically accurate perspectives/insights applicable to the results from the physical exam and diagnoses. Initial post includes the most likely diagnosis/specific treatment plan given case study information supported by rationale  and answers all questions presented in the case. Demonstrates course  knowledge/assigned readings by: linking tests/interventions accurately to diagnoses, applies learned knowledge specifically to the symptoms and patient information using original dialogue i.e., little to no direct quotes.     Evidence Based resources  Discussion post supported by  evidence from appropriate sources published within the last five years.  Focus of journal articles represents a logical link between the article  content and the case study information.  In-text citations and full  references are provided.    Organization   Discussion post presented in a  logical, meaningful, and understandable sequence. Headings reflect  separation of criterion outlined in assignment guidelines.   **Direct quote should not exceed 15 words & must add substantively to the discussion    APA/Grammar/Spelling  Discussion post has minimal  grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation and APA* errors. Direct quotes  (if used) is limited to 1 short statement** which adds substantively to  the post.   * APA style references and in text  citations are required; however, there are no deductions for errors in  indentation or spacing of references. All elements of the reference  otherwise must be included.              Week 6: Mental Health Final Treatment Plan/Analysis – Part 2          Purpose   The purpose of this assignment is for learners to:  Have the opportunity to integrate knowledge and skills learned  throughout all core courses in the FNP track and previous clinical  courses. Demonstrate an advancing understanding of the patient with a mental health disorder in primary care. Demonstrate the ability to analyze the literature/ previous patients  seen in the clinical setting be able to perform an evidenced-based  review of their case, diagnosis, and plan, while guiding and taking  feedback from peers regarding the case. Demonstrate professional communication and leadership, while advancing the education of peers. Activity Learning Outcomes   Through this discussion, the student will demonstrate the ability to: Interpret  subjective and objective data to develop appropriate diagnoses and  evidence based management plans for patients and families with complex  or multiple diagnoses across the lifespan. (CO 1)   Develop management plans based on current scientific evidence and national guidelines.  Part 2- Turning in your final treatment plan and Analysis   The final treatment plan will include the  primary diagnosis, diagnostic testing recommended by National  Guidelines. Medications, interventions, education, labs, follow up,  referrals. After completing the treatment plan include the following  sections in a large area called ANALYSIS: Pathophysiology and Pharmacology: For the  primary diagnoses in the case, write a brief summary of the underlying  pathophysiology and tie pharmacological treatment chosen in the reversal  or control of that pathology.  Additional analysis of the case: This includes national guidelines  that were or should have been used to make diagnosis or treatment and  review how they applied or how care was unique but based in guidelines. Follow-up/Referrals: This means how the patient was doing when seen a  second time if this applies. This would be their response to your plan  of care. OR when Follow up will occur and what actions will be taken on  the follow up visit. Referrals if indicated. Quality: Include anything that should have been considered in  hindsight or changes you would make in seeing similar patients in the  future with the same complaint, history, exam, or diagnosis. Add  anything you learned from discussion in the class that shed new light on  this patient. Coding and Billing. Any or all CPT and ICD-10 codes that should have been used (List them and name them only. Written in a word document and submitted in the Week 6 case study summary submission box.         DISCUSSION CONTENT  Description    Application of Course Knowledge   Post contributes clinically accurate perspectives/insights applicable to the results from the physical exam and diagnoses. Initial post includes the most likely diagnosis/specific treatment plan given case study information supported by rationale  and answers all questions presented in the case. Demonstrates course  knowledge/assigned readings by: linking tests/interventions accurately to diagnoses, applies learned knowledge specifically to the symptoms and patient information using original dialogue i.e., little to no direct quotes.     Evidence-Based resources  Discussion post supported by  evidence from appropriate sources published within the last five years.  Focus of journal articles represents a logical link between the article  content and the case study information.  In-text citations and full  references are provided.  APA/Grammar/Spelling  Discussion post presented in a  logical, meaningful, and understandable sequence. Headings reflect  separation of criterion outlined in assignment guidelines.   **Direct quote should not exceed 15 words & must add substantively to the discussion  Discussion post has minimal grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation and APA* errors. Direct quotes (if used) is limited to 1 short statement** which adds substantively to the post.   * APA style references and in text  citations are required; however, there are no deductions for errors in  indentation or spacing of references. All elements of the reference  otherwise must be included.

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