You are a community nurse responding to an epidemic, Virus Z

You are a community nurse responding to an epidemic, Virus Z21, in your state. As the primary registered nurse investigator analyzing patient data to discover a trend and treatment options, you are tasked with collecting and analyzing real patient data daily. This epidemic has impacted all levels of the community including government officials, singers, actors, etc. While reviewing data, you stumble across a familiar name, which happens to be the name of one of your favorite actors, Billy . Upon determining this, you happen to take a photo of the data and post about the finding on social media. To complete this paper, please choose one of the 2 following outcomes or one listed in the attached RUA 3 We Can But Dare We rubric: Upon posting this, several media outlets reach out to you gain more information and a “quote” from you. They even offer a handsome $100,000 reward for your information. A day after posting on social media, you realize your mistake and delete your post. However, it was too late, and a lawsuit is filed against you for exposing the information Requirements: • Research, compose, and type a scholarly paper based on the scenario provided by your faculty, and choose a conclusion scenario to discuss within the body of your paper. Consider the consequences of such a scenario. Do not limit your review of the literature to the nursing discipline only because other health professionals are using the technology, and you may need to apply critical thinking skills to its applications in this scenario. • Use Microsoft Word and APA formatting. Consult your copy of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, as well as the resources in Doc Sharing if you have questions (e.g., margin size, font type and size (point), use of third person, etc.). • The length of the paper should be four pages, excluding the title page and the reference page. Limit the references to a few key sources (minimum of three required). • The paper will contain an introduction that catches the attention of the reader, states the purpose of the paper, and provides a narrative outline of what will follow (i.e., the assignment criteria). • In the body of the paper, discuss the scenario in relation to HIPAA, legal, and other regulatory requirements that apply to the scenario and the ending you chose. Demonstrate support from sources of evidence (references) included as in?text citations. • Choose and identify one of the possible endings provided for the scenario, and construct your paper based on its implications to the scenario. Make recommendations about what should have been done and what could be done to correct or mitigate the problems caused by the scenario and the ending you chose. Demonstrate support from sources of evidence (references) included as in?text citations. • Present the advantages and disadvantages of informatics relating to your scenario and describe professional and ethical principles appropriate to your chosen ending. Use facts from supporting sources of evidence, which must be included as in?text citations. • The paper’s conclusion should summarize what you learned and make reflections about them to your practice. a. Introduction – 40 points/17% • Catches attention of the reader • States purpose of the paper • Provides a narrative outline of the paper (i.e., the assignment criteria) b. HIPAA, Legal, and Regulatory Discussion – 40 points/17% • Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care related to: • Patient privacy and HIPAA standards • Healthcare regulations • Legal guidelines on appropriate use of technology c. Scenario Ending and Recommendations – 50 points/21% • Selects and presents one scenario ending as the focus of the assignment. • Evaluates the actions taken by healthcare providers as the situation evolved. • Recommends actions that could have been taken to mitigate the circumstances presented in the selected scenario ending. • Supports recommendations with evidence from recent scholarly publications. d. Advantages and Disadvantages – 50 points/21% • Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care related to: • The advantages of appropriately using technology in healthcare • Risks of technology use in healthcare • Describes professional and ethical principles guiding the appropriate use of technology in healthcare. e. Conclusion and Reflections – 30 points/12% • Summarizes what new information was learned by completing this assignment. • Reflects on how this new knowledge will impact future behavior as a healthcare professional. f. Scholarly Writing and APA Format – 30 points/12%

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